

All fonts installed on the iPad or imported into ToonSquid can be used for any text layer. You can also import additional fonts to be available in ToonSquid.


Custom fonts can be imported in one of the following three ways:

Via the Inspector#

  1. Select a text layer.
  2. Open the inspector.
  3. Open the Typeface dropdown.
  4. Tap the Import Font button.

Via the Library#

  1. Open the asset library.
  2. Tap the + button.
  3. Select Import from Files.

Via the Files App#

  1. Copy your font files into the Files app under On My iPad > ToonSquid > Fonts.
  2. Quit and restart ToonSquid.

Fonts and the Project#

The font files themselves are not stored as part of a project and are not included when a project is exported. This means that they don't increase the size of a project and can be used in every project after being imported once.

This also means that importing a project that uses custom fonts on a different iPad will use fallback fonts instead until the fonts used by the project are installed on the iPad.

Supported File Formats#

ToonSquid supports font files with the following formats to be imported:

  • TTC
  • TTF
  • OTF

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