
Import and Export

ToonSquid brushes and brush collections can be exported and shared outside of the app.

Export Brushes#

With the collection or brush to be exported selected, tap it again and select Share.

File Extensions#

Brush collections are exported as a file with the .tsbrushes extension. When you export a single brush, you get a file with a .tsbrush file extension.

The files contain all brush settings and textures needed for the brush or collection that was exported.
You can use this to easily backup all of your custom brushes outside of your iPad or to share your unique brushes with others.

Import Brushes#

To import a brush or brush collection into your ToonSquid brush library, tap the + button and choose Import. Then select the .tsbrush, .tsbrushes or .abr file that you want to import.

The new brushes are copied to the brush library and can then be used in all of your projects.

Adobe Photoshop® Brush Compatibility#

.abr files can be imported into ToonSquid. Most of the Photoshop brush settings are compatible with ToonSquid.

However, since the underlying brush engines are different, the brush behavior is not guaranteed to be exactly the same in both applications.

Note that ToonSquid currently does not support Photoshop's dual brush feature, so importing brushes that use the dual brush settings will likely look and behave differently in ToonSquid.

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