

Explore the concept of symbols and animation clips in ToonSquid and learn how you can use frame markers to significantly speed up your animation workflow.

Animation Clips

Animation clips form the basis of all animation in ToonSquid. Creating separate clips for different parts of your animation allows you to reuse those in other parts of the animation using symbols.

Symbol Layer

Symbol layers reference other animation clips that should be displayed as the content of the symbol layer. You can animate them around like any other layer but also control how they should loop and at which speed they should play back in your current timeline.

Create Symbols

Learn about the different ways in which you can create symbols in ToonSquid.

Animate with Frame Markers

Frame markers, symbols and keyframes can be used to quickly switch between different variations of parts of your animation, for example, different mouth shapes of a character during lip-syncing. Learn all about this process in this chapter.

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